Important article that touches on a million $ quandary: how to optimize engineering teams vis-a-vis company and product goals and customers. It's so not-funny that it's almost funny: how engineers--who are some of the smartest people around--can talk past each other and past other teams, so that simple asks get misinterpreted, leading to unnecessary strife and product misses.
As in most misunderstandings, it's rarely one person's singular fault. A company culture can play a vital role here. As this article correctly points out, it is vital to make engineers feel they *are* the customer. They feel great empathy to customer needs, frustrations and challenges; and, can see themselves in the customer's shoes and would ask their engineer-selves to solve a problem the way their customer-selves would want solved. Then there is the concept of ownership, where players can easily misunderstand who's got the ball, resulting in either everyone pouncing on the same ball (which leaves other problems unsolved) or more commonly, no one's got the ball which can lead to finger-pointing, blame-game and missed deadlines. Glad Posthog is working to get it right.
Wonderful article! It's good to confirm that my attends to share the context that I earn while working on something is pretty good, more collaboration and less hoarding information.
What an article! This has to be one of the best things I've read so far this year. Thank you posthog team! There's a lot of takeaways for me here!
Thank you!
Important article that touches on a million $ quandary: how to optimize engineering teams vis-a-vis company and product goals and customers. It's so not-funny that it's almost funny: how engineers--who are some of the smartest people around--can talk past each other and past other teams, so that simple asks get misinterpreted, leading to unnecessary strife and product misses.
As in most misunderstandings, it's rarely one person's singular fault. A company culture can play a vital role here. As this article correctly points out, it is vital to make engineers feel they *are* the customer. They feel great empathy to customer needs, frustrations and challenges; and, can see themselves in the customer's shoes and would ask their engineer-selves to solve a problem the way their customer-selves would want solved. Then there is the concept of ownership, where players can easily misunderstand who's got the ball, resulting in either everyone pouncing on the same ball (which leaves other problems unsolved) or more commonly, no one's got the ball which can lead to finger-pointing, blame-game and missed deadlines. Glad Posthog is working to get it right.
Great summary, thanks for reading!
Wonderful article! It's good to confirm that my attends to share the context that I earn while working on something is pretty good, more collaboration and less hoarding information.
Thank you for reading!